"ARRH ME HARDY".... but Roxie didn't like the way the bird had said it.. Too manly.. instead she said it should be, "Hey Sailor, want to have some fun?"..... "I have a bag full of jewels but there are two big jewels just for you...."
Well since she and the bird could not get together, I felt it was time for the next costume.

"Oh my little pretty.... Old Witchy Witch has some goodies for you, baby!"
Wow you never know what a costume will do to a person... But we still had other items to try on. So the Halloween dressup continued to Roxie's excitement.

"Oh help, help.. Save me... Need a strong life guard to help me.. Need mouth to mouth resusation!!! And afterwards, we can play in the sand with my pail, hee, hee, hee.."
That Roxie.. Always has a something to say... but once I got her quietened down, we continued with modeling her other outfits..

"Oh yes.. now we're talking.. I think Hef would want to have me as a centerfold.. I think we need to send this to him and show him how I, Roxie, could work it for him.. Why, those boys would go wild for me with my sleekness, and pink on pink."
Had to get her to calm down on this one... That girl just goes wild sometimes.. And just where did she come up with Hef and the centerfold.. I was so glad that it was in the back yard and not the front.. I could only imagine what she would have done if it was in the front yard.. Talk about posing and flirting with people.. Oh dear..
But I got her to continue...

"Da ta da ta, da ta da ta... CAT WOMEN!!!... Oh yes, I'm sleek and I'm mysterious.. And so Pink cordinated.. Bat Man has nothing on me!! Watch out Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry.."
Well it took a while to get her to take that one off.. I just don't know what gets into that girl sometimes.. I told her only one more costume to try on..

"Look I'm Madame Butterfly... I need to sing now.. LA LA LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Well let me tell you, she just flitted around the backyard with this one.. She just thought she was so delicate and mysterious and lovely... What can I say, that is my Roxie.. But it was time to put them away and figure which one she would wear.. She was indecisive as usual. Typical woman, could not make up her mind.. So since she was not sure, we thought maybe it would be fun to have you pick which one would be the costume for Roxie..
Please leave me your comments and I will discuss them with Roxie and we will see which costume was right for Roxie.
So until the next time, hope you enjoyed reading about and seeing Roxie's customes. I will let everyone know which one came in first in the next blog of Roxie's Adventures.. Until then, enjoy...
Definitely the Playboy Bunny!!! That fits her and her owner to a tee!!!! I loved all the pics. You are a goofball, but a fun-loving one :)
ReplyDeleteI agree, definitely the playboy bunny! seems to suit her very well! :)
ReplyDeleteHave to agree, the bunny.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to buck the trend and vote for Madame Butterfly, it's just so mysterious and sexy, sexyyyyyy... :-) Happy Halloween, Roxie!! :-)