Friday, September 25, 2009
Roxie and Washington Street and Her Men
So as we were peddling down Lincoln towards Washington, Troy Street came up and for some reason it held a calling for us.. "Roxie, come down Troy Street, there is an adventure waiting to happen for you.." So we turned to our right and headed down. Well come to find out, the adventure for Roxies was sitting out on the street. A HUGE RED firetruck.. Little did we know that Troy Street had summoned her down to experience the Fire Departmant of Royal Oak.. So of course we could not let this great opportunity pass us up. Roxie was a little shy but was able to get her close to the big engine.
Once I got her to stand there and pose, all of a sudden a new Roxie came into view.. She wanted more.. More of the big engines.. So we proceeded across to the street from the first engien to the Fire House. ALL of the beautiful Red Huge engiens were there.. Waiting for that call.. Always ready to go out and save..
Roxie decided she needed her picture taken in front of the fire house with another engine.. That Roxie, she was just not satisfied with one.
And then, the excitement mounted because two Firement were coming around one of the engines.. Oh excitement was in the air.. We were going to meet to real firemen.. Not the ones that come to bachlorett parties.. (Oh wait, where did that come from.) Sorry too much excitement I guess.. But two Firemen came around from the engine and of course they were taken back by the fine Miss Roxie.. So we were able to get a pictue of them with Roxie..
Well let me tell you, it took me a little while to pull her away.. But as we were going she noticed a little engine that was sort of the same color as her so we just had to have a picture of her and it together.. But as you can see it was a fire engine mailbox for the fire house.. It was cute..
So I was finally able to pull her away from there to continue on our adventures to Washington Street. So back down Troy towared Lincoln. We continued down Lincoln and rode over Main street at the light. We came upon Oakland Community College.. People were going to class and a few were leaving and then a few were sitting enjoying the nice day of sun. As we proceeded down Washington street we stopped at this kids store, called Love Child. Now I had to stop because of the hat one of the manaquins were wearing.. I laugh every time I pass that store.. So hopefully you can make out the hat from the picture below..
Then we continued our journey down Washington street. We stopped at this one place that since Roxie knew that she would never be able to go downtown Detroit for a special picture with the Detroit Tigers, she felt that this was the closes she would come to them.. So those Detroit Tiger fans, this one is for you from Roxie..
Across the street was Pronto resturant.. People sitting out having lunch. Oh I had the best salad there just last Wednesday. Chopped Salad.. try it if you ever get to go there and OMG the desert was great.. Randy, my buddy met me there and we both had the salads and since of course it was salad, we figured that desert was justified. So we had Oreo cheese cake.. OH MY.. Every bite was so heavenly and rich.. Well of course we could not finish our pieces and of courese we hade seperate pieces.. This was cheescake.. Again, OH MY!!!! But I digress.. back to the adventure with Roxie since she does expect this to be about her adventure..
So we continued down the street and I thought this was so cute.. a little coffee shop had this outside of their store for those dog walkers..
So any one with a dog or dogs and walking them in Royal Oak, take notice that they do leave water out for those doggies.. I think this is great...
So on with our adventure on Washington street.. Another place that I just knew that Roxie had to have a picture taken with is at the Sole Sister shoe store.. Now I do know a few out there that "loves" shoes.. (Tara) So when we got there, she was so excited with the store.. Especially the boots..
Well as we had passed so many nice stores and resturants like Lilly's Resturant, or the new Crepe resturant, it was time for us to start home. We did go up to Eleven Mile to see two shops that had caught my eye. One is a bridal shop, imagine that. And the other is another shoe store.. The "Stileto Fetish" shop.. oh yes... stileto's.
Then as we turned down a side street by the Post Office to start our journey home when all of a sudden Roxie pulled to the left very quickly.. It seemed that she had fallen for this high society expensive snob of a bike.. A BMW at that.. So of course she wanted her picture taken with it.. I tried to explain that this bike would just break her heart but she would not hear me so I took her picture.. It seems that you just can't tell someone anything when they become infatuated with a rich nice looking bike.
So I got her away from that romeo and just got further down the road when she started to rebel. So she turned tot he left and crossed the street to this shop..
What can I say.. she just had to have her picture taken.. And as I was walking back to get back on her, this gentlemen was walking toward me and I hope that he had just finished eating because he was rubbing his stomach as he approached me. He stopped looked at Roxie, smiled at me and said, "Hey, nice bike!" I tell you she just draws everyone to her.. I smiled back, and introduced him, "Oh thank you, this is Roxie.." He smiled again and continued his walk to the other side of the street. Of course I crossed also but went the oposite way, just in case he was thinking that he could possible persuade Roxie to go with him.. Never can tell..
So now was the time to get back home. We went to Troy street, and turnded down. This seems to be her favorite street now.. I think it has to do with the Firemen again.. But before we got to Lincoln street we saw another truck by the power plant. So as we were going by, inside were two Detroit Edison workers.. Well let me tell you, Roxie again with her sleek lines and cute pink, called out to those guys.. She just had to have a picture with one of them.. Of course they argued back and forth as to who was going to pose with Roxie.. No they did not want both, only one. So finally the decision was made. And here is Roxie with the Detroit Edison man..
So we finally were able to continue our way back home without any stops.. But we did take some side streets just to enjoy the sun and the wind. Things were just so nice but could tell that fall is coming and coming very fast. The pumpkins are already out for Halloween, decorations for Halloween is being put out with lights and scarecrows and ghosts.. It will be upon us soon and Roxie does not know what she wants to be.. But then that will be another story.. But as we continued, the wind picked up and the leaves started blowing around and falling from the trees.. Everything was so peaceful and quiet and just a nice fall sunny day.
So we made it home and Roxie again has been put back into the garage waiting for another adventure. So enjoy today and until the next adventure...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Roxie and Red Dawn 2
So as we turned onto Rochester from 12 Mile the huge road sign said, Road Blocked - No thru exit.. We continued.. I could see that this was not going to be easy.. We passed Walgreens, then the credit union and then the Church..
Now the church was being used for trailers, for extras and equipment and water and the food tent. That was interesting.. But as we got closer we could see that cars were being turned away and having to come back out. We got closer we approached a gentlemen that was walking. He was kindly looking man so we stopped to ask, "Are you coming from the shoot?" He informed us that you could only get to the next barricade and then they would stop you.. He said, "there's a bunch of Chinese guys down there.. Wasn't Red Dawn 1 with the Russians?" Well of course it was.. this is Red Dawn 2 and didn't think it would be different.. So after a few more exchanged words, Roxie and I took off to see what we could get into, oh I mean what we could see..
We approached the next block and one driveway away a man steps out and said you can't go any further.. I've had to stand up the driveway when they were shooting because they can see down here.. So as I turned to look, there was the enemy... Oh I mean the movie extras.. Sorry was getting caught up in the mood..
They had military vehicles in a V shape but right before them, well hidden was the great Royal Oak Police car. Keeping watch to make sure that all vehicles did not come down and turned around, not to mention pedestrians. Hmmmm, did that mean I could not go any further.. So I inched my way toward them and stopped. Everyone was sitting around so it was a good time to be there. So as I got off Roxie, she felt that she wanted her picture taken.. I tell you she was going ga ga over being this close to a movie...
So I took the picture but then thought why not talk to the kind policeman. So I walked over and said my "Hi, how are you, Do you have to sit here all day? How do you like doing that.. But it is good for the city.." Oh yes, and he was good looking.. yeah baby.. That policeman could take me away any time.. Oh wait this is about the movie, sorry... So then I stepped behind the car and took some more pictures.
I went back to Roxie and the man in driveway came down closer since we had adventured further.. so I asked him to take a picture of Roxie and I..
We continued to stand there and watch to see if any action was going to take place.. Two guys came by on bikes and told us that they were down in the park where they were filming but was waved off.. They saw the truck crash into a fake wall and the explosions.. But they said they kept people away from seeing what was going on. We tried to figure out a route around so that we could see what was going on but each was was blocked.. We had failed.. So I came back to the start.
So here are some pictures that I took while we stood and waited..
Then one of the extras started walking toward Roxie and I.. I just knew that Roxie's personality had finally shown through and he must be over whelmed with the site of her.. So as he approached, I asked the driveway bush man if he would take another picture of Roxie, Me and the Extra.. So as the extra approached I could tell he was eyeing Roxie.. That flirt in her took over.. I could tell.. So I asked him if we could take a picture of him with us. Well he of course he said yes.. How could he turn down such a good lookin Roxie... So as he stood next to us, I put my arm around him and could feel the cold hard weapon he had on his back.. OMG, he has a rifle on his back.. Hmmm didn't think about that one.. But he smiled and I knew he wanted to stroke Roxie but I kept an eye out for that.. She was not going to be one of those director sofa extras..
So once the picture was taken, I asked him of course a dumb question... "hey do you get killed in this scene?" He said, "No not in this one but later on I will be killed." Then I asked, "Hey the first one was with Russians, what happened to the Russians? Isn't this a remake of it?" He told me that the Russians were coming in later.. So he smiled and said bye.. I could tell that Roxie was still excited.. So we stayed a little while longer and then decided it was time to travel back home.
So today was an exciting trip for Roxie and I. No close ups for Roxie or no offers from Red Dawn 2, just some looks.. But they had helicopters flying around taking pictures.. You never know if one of them had spotted Roxie and her sleek form and had taken pictures.. We will wait and see if she gets any calls.. And I will wait and see if I can see that policeman any where in Royal Oak.. Oh yeah..
So until the next adventure with Roxie, have a good one..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Adventures with Roxie - Trees and such
As Roxie and I travel the streets I notice a lot of the trees. There are some beautiful trees. Some very huge and full, other's well they are really scrony.. As I passed the Boys and Girls Club on Lincoln today I have many times marveled at the huge tree they have in front. So today was a day for trees with Roxie and me.
Isn't that a beautiful tree.. Can you imagine how much history this tree has seen. It's accompanied by another tree just a few feet away. This one is by the baseball diamond where the kids play..
As Roxie and I continued our treck along Royal Oak's side street, we could see that Fall is coming in. It's been a strange summer since it seemed that the tree's leaves started falling sooner than normal and also the colors are turning. I saw a beautiful tree down one street and stopped to take a picture.. Roxie and I admired the colors and how it stood out among the other tress that had not yet started.
Then on our journey home, going down 6th Street I saw a sofa on the curb to be picked up. Of course normally it would not seem strange but next to it was a cat that seemed to be use to the sofa and was sitting very nicely and just looking around. It caught mine and Roxie's eye.. We peddled past and I thought it would scare the cat off but it just looked at us. So we decided to turn around and take a picture since I thought it was funny.. Come to find out, it was the owner's cat that owned the sofa. So maybe the cat was thinking, wow, now it's outside and I have a great view of everyone and everything.. This is cool..
So after that we continued on our way home.. And as you can see from a little help from my friend Janet, I am able to put my pictures where I want them instead of on the top.. YEAH!!!
So enjoy and until another adventure take care...
Another Adventure with Roxie
- Just nod when you see other bikers, do not try the wave.
- Always watch the road/walk for those little surprises
- Always keep your composure even if you make a fool of yourself..
The rest of my ride was easy compared to what I had already gone through. I did see my friend Janet with Duncan walking Remy.. Janet was walking Remy and Duncan was on his Razor scouter.. So I talked to her for a while and Roxie and I continued on our way home. We had to get home again since GH was coming on soon and you know me, just have to see that hunk Jason.. Be still my pounding heart.. So Roxie knew it was time and she wanted to get me back on time.. So we wound our way through the different street and came back to Lincoln.. And this time, I crossed the street with a light and kept riding.. I had been avoiding the lights since I was not sure to ride or walk across but this time I had the "Come one and Walk" sign on my side and I just proudly rode across the intersection.. Yeah baby.. I was doin good.. Another accomplishment.. But I was going so well, I forgot to turn toward my house so I had to go behind the little market on the corner, Fresh Approach, and come back around so that I could ride down to my street.. Still a little hic up on the riding thing, but Roxie was patient with me and took good care of me as I try to do with her..
So my friends, as Roxie and my adventures comes to a close for today, I hope you enjoy the day. Look for another adventure with Roxie.. Until then...
Friday, September 11, 2009
As I was riding Roxie today, I have learned three lessons.
1. Squirrels still do not understand that when a car or a bike is coming down the street, do not try to cross or if in the middle of crossing, DO NOT STOP and figure out which way to run...
2. Even if you get lost in looking at houses or the area you are riding down, pay attention to on coming cars and stay to the side of the road. And I was on the correct side of the road just too busy looking around.. Bad me..
3. Wear shorts that are not too loose but tight enough not to crouch up in the middle when riding.. I won't go into details on this one, only it's very uncomfortable after a while on the bottom of the touche and the seat..
But as we were riding, it was interesting to see people and houses. I found one house that they will never have to mow their front yard. They had every inch of it covered with cement statues and white stones.. They had a little bathtub made out of cement that held, well it looked like dirt with grass and moss growing.. Hmmm, they just may have to trim that one. They had all sizes of objects there.. I wonder what the back yard looked like. Oh well everyone to their own. Me, I love taking care of my lawn and flowers..
Then came the big moment... The adventure got more exciting... We decided to cross over Campbell road.. My big moment of can I do it or can't I, was I able to ride across or would I have to walk it across.. I came to a stop, my hands were sweating, I looked to the left, cars and trucks coming, I looked to the right, the light some ways down was red and no cars coming from the other side.. Could I get across after the truck and two cars passed before the other on coming traffic got the green light... Here they came, I was ready and had my foot on the peddle to push me away when the street I was going to ride into, a car came to a stop waiting for traffic to clear.. Darn it, this is not going to be easy.. another element was in my way.. So I got myself ready again, I could do this.. so the truck and the car passed, the light turned green, I took off, the other car decided to turn away from me, I was in the clear to go over Campbell and turn down the street.. YEAH!! I made it.. But as I was crossing, there was a truck that passed and gave me and Roxie a "wolf" call.. yeah baby.. those legs are what's looking good.. or maybe it was the tush... hmmmm, have to think about that..
But as we were traveling up and down the streets across Campbell, like Irving and such, we saw a park we did not know was there that had a tennis court, basketball court and a baseball diamond. As I traveled further down, I saw another baseball diamond and was sort of sad. All the grass had grown up and it looked like no one had used it during the summer and no one was keeping it up. But then as I turned the corner I saw where new development of homes were being created.. So I figured it was sold to build homes which I doubt will materialize due to the economy... Oh well.. We continued our trip down each street and it was interesting to see someone that had put their car up on ramps to change their oil.. Now when was the last time you saw someone doing that.. I have not seen that for many a year.. Maybe the economy is bring things back.. who knows..
We continued the nice ride and as I looked at the time I decided I had to get back. It was late and getting close to General Hospital time.. I had to get back because it's "Something wicked comes this way" week.. Okay, so I'm stuck on the soap operas.. But only GH... I think it would be nice to have a part for a Pink bike.. Roxie could try out for it and can you imagine having the town mobster, Sonny C riding it.. oh wait no, it would be his wife, Claudia, the mob mall that is trying to get even with just about everyone except her brother.. OMG.. I am really stuck on this.. Sorry.. that's another story also..
Any way, that was the adventure of Roxie and me for today... We will see if Roxie and I go out tomorrow, I've got a 5K walk/run in the morning to do to benefit mental health education.. So maybe in the afternoon if I'm not too dead or hurting from that one..
Enjoy your day...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The maiden Voyage with Roxie
I decided to first verify that I could ride again without falling down or causing much trouble with a car or a pedestrian. As I was traveling up and down each street in my neighborhood I was watching the houses and how they decorated the outside and also being aware of each stop sign and who had the right of way..
I turned down one street and there was a young girl walking down the street talking on her cell phone and having a good conversation.. she looked over and I just smiled and nodded.. I went all the way down to Campell and here was my big test. Could I get onto the sidewalk without falling to turn the corner to go to the next street. Well low and behold, ta da... I did it.. no problem..
So as I was on the sidewalk going toward the next street down, two motorcycle cops came by and I stopped and motioned a race.. Hey I will race you two for your "Pink" slips.. Knowing that I could take them easily, I was not afraid.. But unfortunately they were not paying attention to me or was trying to ignore me because they just continued down the street. And I think I saw a little snicker on one of their faces.. Imagine that..
So after that I continued on my journey. I went up the next street and I'll be darned.. That young girl was on the next street walking and still talking.. There was a street in between so she was able to turn and go over to the next street. So she looked up and just started laughing.. of course it was with me.. but as I continued going up the street I found many people off, probably getting ready for the long weekend.
I have decided that Roxie needs a pink horn. This was decided upon when I passed this one house and this REALLY good looking guy was walking out to his BMW. Now I know that if I had my pink horn on Roxie, that I could have beeped and he would have noticed how great I looked on Roxie and would be very impressed. He would been so attracted to me, my sculptured legs from peddling and my firm baby got back posterior.. But since there was no horn, I had to keep peddling..
I was out for about 45 mins going up and down the neighborhood, waving to people when they looked at me or smiled.. It was time for Roxie and I to go back to the house and complete our maiden voyage. So I turned toward our street. As I was coming back down the street many of my neighbors were still out working on their yards. They looked up and I very proudly waved, or nodded like a pro bike rider.. Yes, I was cool looking on Roxie..
I turned into the driveway and peddled toward the garage to park her. I stopped and as I was throwing my leg in front of me to dismount, acting like the lady I should be. I was thinking how great of a time I had had on the maiden voyage with Roxie. I put the kick stand down, parked her and started to walk away and then it hit me.. That firm "baby got back" rump was in pain.. And the muscles in my thighs were yelling at me.. What the heck did you do to us..
So as I was limping into the house, all I could think about was, "Where did I put that Aleve".... So the maiden voyage was great and adventurous but the ramifications of going out to long and not using the right speed for pumping was going to haunt me for the afternoon..
But I did not care.. I had fun, the sun was out, I met new people and I got to see the neighborhood. So I can't wait until my next adventure with Roxie.. Until then....