Wow, it's been a while since my last posting.. But with different occasions that came up, my High School Reunion and some bad weather I did not have a chance to take the ride with Roxie. Of course Roxie could have cared less. She didn't understand because again when I pulled into the garage, there she was.. The lights casting bright off her rear bumper back at me trying to get my attention to say, "Hey.. remember me?? You need to get out and ride, feel the cool wind in your hair and enjoy..." But it just didn't happen... Until now that is.
So today I went out and adventured even further.. This time I went down Campbell onto Lincoln and then Troy Street to 6th Street. Wow, what an adventurer I was today.. Me and Roxie that is.. As I was peddling and my legs were saying, "Oh My God", it has been a long time since you were on Roxie. And then without notice, another biker came from behind. Now I always thought that people should say something like excuse me or on the left or on the right.. But noooo, nothing was said from this free adventurer.. I just happened to hear something and saw him from the side of my eye.. Well panic struck me since this was my first encounter with another biker.. So here I was in the middle of the sidewalk just peddling away thinking how nice everthing was and not realizing I was "hogging" the whole walk.. So this biker brought me back to realization and quickly I kept to the left. As he was going by I looked to say "Hello fellow biker". But he was in no mood to even acknowledge me.. So he just went by me in a flash.. Okay, fine, be that way.. But if he could bike down to Cambpell and Lincoln and keep going, then so could I.. So instead of turning on a side street to get around, I went the distance.. I made it to the light and turned down Lincoln going toward Royal Oak.. My first big step.. Victory was mine now...
But right about now, I guess you are wondering what the heck are those pics about above. Well, since I have not figured out how to put the pics where I want them, they always seem to go on the top of the page and never where I want them such as by a paragraph, I had to put them there. But here is the story behind them, the adventure with Roxie and Royal Oak.. As I was going down Lincoln, there is this store that does framing. It looks pretty nice and has some cool pics of Royal Oak that looks like it was hand drawn. Any way I have been going by that place for a long time during my walk/runs and every time I go by, I laugh because they have this full size skeleton with a black patch over one eye.. I get tickled every time I go by since I don't see the connection with picture framing and a skeleton.. But I do have to say that they must have it decorated for Halloween since this was the first time I saw the "Black Patch". So I had to get a picture of it while I was riding Roxie so that you can see the store and see the strange skeleton.
As we continued our journey, Roxie had been amused by the skeleton but was even more exicted that we had adventured further away from home. So as I continued down Lincoln, I saw some other bikers and motorcycle bikers.. Since my first encounter did not go well, I was wondering how was this to go.. I was thinking, now how do you acknowledge one another when they are coming toward you.. I know that motorcyle riders, nod, sorta point while keeping their hands on the handles or even waving.. But they were being cool.. So I figured I had to be like that. Cool.. I had to figure out the right approach to acknowled my fellow bikers. So what about a wave, but not the "Queen" wave, just a cool wave. So what to do.. I only had a few seconds to think, so when the first one went by I looked and just gave "the nod". They nodded back.. That wasn't bad, Roxie and I were cool.. So then the next one I thought I would do "the wave". So here came my next chance, a biker was coming our way, I could feel the sweat on my hands as I kept a tight grip on Roxie. This was it, our time was coming to say, "Hey, we're cool".. So as they approached I got ready for the wave. Here it was, time to take my hand off the grips and look cool and wave... Well my wave did not turn out to be the cool wave but similar to the "Queen" wave.. You know the one that stays up in the air and turns like a washing machine agitator. And let me say, I should have stuck to the simple wave even though in my mind that was what I was going to do. I got so excited about this that I didn't watch the street or sidewalk actually and as I took my hand off, raising my hand and arm to the sky and start the wave but turned out to be the"Queen" wave, the sidewalk had a few changes for me that I didn't see.. Instead of being cool, I looked like a woman on a bike that was out of control and did not know how to ride it. I hit an uneven walk with a hole and I was all over the place... I had to bring the hand and arm down quickly and grab the handlebar and get control since I was heading for a spill.. So let's just say that the biker didn't get a wave but I got the crap scared out of me thinking I was going to fall off a bike.. And they got a good laugh.. But, me and Roxie was able to get control of our selves along with our composures back and continued on our merry way trying to show that nothing had happened..
So from our adventure today I have learned three things:
- Just nod when you see other bikers, do not try the wave.
- Always watch the road/walk for those little surprises
- Always keep your composure even if you make a fool of yourself..
The rest of my ride was easy compared to what I had already gone through. I did see my friend Janet with Duncan walking Remy.. Janet was walking Remy and Duncan was on his Razor scouter.. So I talked to her for a while and Roxie and I continued on our way home. We had to get home again since GH was coming on soon and you know me, just have to see that hunk Jason.. Be still my pounding heart.. So Roxie knew it was time and she wanted to get me back on time.. So we wound our way through the different street and came back to Lincoln.. And this time, I crossed the street with a light and kept riding.. I had been avoiding the lights since I was not sure to ride or walk across but this time I had the "Come one and Walk" sign on my side and I just proudly rode across the intersection.. Yeah baby.. I was doin good.. Another accomplishment.. But I was going so well, I forgot to turn toward my house so I had to go behind the little market on the corner, Fresh Approach, and come back around so that I could ride down to my street.. Still a little hic up on the riding thing, but Roxie was patient with me and took good care of me as I try to do with her..
So my friends, as Roxie and my adventures comes to a close for today, I hope you enjoy the day. Look for another adventure with Roxie.. Until then...
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