Meet Roxie, isn't she gorgeous....
Let me tell you how we met and started our friendship.
After being laid off, as quite a lot of us have, I decided to start exercising. So I started walking and running and as I did this I saw many people riding bikes.. So I thought wow, not only doing the walk/run but riding a bike may also be fun, mind clearing and help with weight loss.. so I had been scoping out the papers each weekend for a deal but had not gotten my behind into gear. So on a warm Wednesday I was having lunch with one of my friends, Janet. And of course afterwards, we went to Target. I had told her how I wanted to find a bike so we went to their selection. As we were walking and checking out the price (remember no job), at the end of the row there she was.. The last one but oh so special. So as we were trying to take her out and see how the seat felt on the bottom, the bike before her started to fall and Janet caught that one but not in time to set the next bike falling.. It was like a domino but since they had a type of rack they sat in, it stopped them from all falling down. But of course not before Janet had been wounded.. the bike she kept from falling had hit and scrapped her arm. Wasn't that a good friend... She took one for Roxie. But now back to Roxie..
There she was, beautiful and bold... All pink and white. And the tires were white walls and big.. and the seat, just wide enough for the "I thought was a toned bottom" of mine and hand brakes where I didn't have to sit hunched over like other bikes. This was one that I could sit up and not look the hunch back of Notra Dame. So we took her out of the rack and I threw my leg through the middle like a lady should instead of throwing it over the seat and all.. I sat on the seat and wiggled around to make sure that it fit right. Of course I felt like a little girl again since I was on my tip toes but still all I could imagine was riding her all over. So I gave her a quick spin down the isle. But not to far since there were obstacles in my way, like people. I know that the book on her said great for sidewalks and smooth dirt paths, not people obstacles. But it was long enough to know that I just had to have her. I felt pretty good since I had not ridden a bike for oh quite a few years.. I guess what they say, it's like riding a bike, is true.. You never forget.. Oh wait, maybe that was not meant for this situation.. but any way, the decision was made. Roxie would be coming home with me.
But for those that are thinking hey wait a minute, aren't you forgetting something, I did pick up a helmet and a bike lock. Would not want to have anyone walking away with Roxie. So as we loaded her into my trailblazer, I was thinking of all the adventures we were going to have together. The wind blowing through my hair, the sun shinning down, the grip from my hands and how beautiful my thighs/legs were going to look after riding her around.. Yep I could see it all and was quite happy.
Of course we had to stop before we got her home to celebrate at Jim's ice cream on 11 Mile. A large vanilla ice cream cone and a parfait was waiting for Janet and myself. Oh how delicious they were and it was hot that day so sitting in the sun was nice on the face, arms and legs.. Then it was time to get Roxie home to introduce her to her new home.
So as I unloaded her from the back of the trailblazer, I felt the excitement mounting. I just had to make sure I was able to handle her like she should be handled. So I took her on a small maident voyage down my driveway and back again. I was thrilled. All was well.. I put her in the garage for the next day avdenture.
And that is how we met and what I've decided is that I will let my friends know the many adventures that Roxie and I get into while touring Royal Oak.. Look for more adventures..
Oh, I love it! I can actually "hear" you telling the stories in the "Judy way" that you do!! Keep them coming, this is great! By the way, I think you need an entry as to how you came up with her name!.......Laurie
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping an eye out for you Judy!